Attention: Access to this site is restricted.

Access to the requested website:
Website Category:

is restricted in accordance with the Booz Allen IT Acceptable Use Policy.

If the website category is "Newly Registered and Observed Domains then you can either wait 30 days to automatically re-categorize if no immediate business justification or submit this website for re-categorization following procedure below.
  1. Submit for re-categorization request:
  2. Select Case Type as Categorization
  3. Enter Zscaler Company ID with
  4. In the Subject, enter the relevant information:
    For users who provision new domains for testing, specify that you would like the entire domain and all its child subdomains to be re-categorized.
    Example: Please re-categorize and all its child subdomains as "Professional Services".
  5. In the Description, enter more details to help with re-categorization purpose
  6. Enter the appropriate information in the required fields (ones with an *), especially the Email Address and Preferred Contact Phone Number prior to clicking the Submit button.
If the website is NOT "Newly Registered and Observed Domains" and you require access for business purposes, please submit a request for an exception.